Transform Your Relationship With Food

Decades as a clinical nutritionist have made me acutely aware that for many, every snack and every meal of every day of every week of every year can be an emotional journey.

My clients, and millions of others just like them, struggle to find peaceful relationships with food – some very obviously, but many others almost silently. Though smart, savvy, motivated, and “informed,” they hop from diet to diet – paleo, keto, veganism, intermittent fasting, etc. – in search of the perpetually elusive “hope.”

When those inevitably fall short, they cling to an anti-diet culture that values health at any size or focus on body positivity, while dabbling with the sure-to-disappoint Intuitive Eating. In the process, their level of restriction, fear, and/or hyper-vigilance associated with food escalates dramatically, oftentimes to the point that food becomes a – perhaps the – central topic in their lives and wraps itself around their every emotion, thought, and word.

The common thread tying these unproductive and, at times, counterproductive, experiences together is that they face outwardly, when the journey to truly healing is an inward one. To this end:

  • How can an elimination diet – whether meat or gluten or even hours in a day – eliminate the foundational views we have of ourselves?

  • How can one suddenly be comfortable at any size, when they haven’t been comfortable at every size through decades

  • How can someone eat intuitively if they can’t recognize, or don’t trust, the signals their body sends?

Transformational Eating™ Classes — For Individuals Or Practitioners

Transformational Eating™ is a 16-hour, 8-week live Zoom class originally developed to help my clients — individuals for whom these tools, delivered in a small group setting, could have dramatic impact on their own struggles with food. This remains the foundation of my work today.

What’s become evident over time, though, has been the value this work brings to the practices of therapists, clinicians, other specialists. By sharing with them this unique approach to healing emotional and disordered eating, they now have the opportunity to aid and benefit far more individuals than any one person can.

And so, I now offer two classes — one for clients and one specifically for practitioners.

For Individuals

This 16-hour, 8-week live Zoom class and support group is for individuals struggling with emotional and disordered eating. Blending hands-on instruction with moderated group discussion, an extensive handbook, and custom meditations, this course delivers powerful solutions that can be implemented immediately. Class sizes are small (~4-10 people) and meet in 2-hour blocks for 8 weeks.

For Practitioners

Geared towards practitioners and clinicians, this level-1 certification course introduces professionals to self-compassion and reparenting, before teaching them how best to incorporate both into their own practices. This 16-hour class series is ideally suited to those working directly with clients struggling with emotional and disordered eating, but applicable to all. Class sizes are small (~4-10 people) and meet in 2-hour blocks for 8 weeks over Zoom.

“This class was truly life changing for me. I would actually recommend this class to all of my female friends and family. Having a safe space to learn, share and grow with a small group was so special to me. Jessica is a beautiful soul and truly takes time to understand and help each person in the class. Her teaching is clear, non judgemental and loving. The ideas, meditations and knowledge she brings to each class have been so revolutionary to me in every aspect of my life.”

— Sarah P.

New Skills That Deliver Results

My work provides clients with a powerful framework and new set of skills to address the incredibly complicated relationship so many have with food. Equally important, my work offers solutions that can be implemented quickly, while also creating a longer-term guide for what to do with these insights.

Rooted in the healing powers of self-compassion and reparenting, and based on my own transformative work with clients and classes around the globe, I help people:

  • Create space for internal dialog that’s free of judgment and without response;

  • Explore and re-frame the underlying belief systems and safety structures that sit at the very center of their food discord; and,

  • Accept personal complexities with food as part of one’s own humanity, thereby diminishing food’s emotional and psychological significance.

My clinical practice addresses complex, longstanding health issues stemming from gut dysbiosis. I get answers and provide solutions — with minimal supplements whenever possible. My areas of expertise, which include SIBO, IBD, gastritis, and food intolerances, coupled with stool testing and results analysis/interpretation, are especially helpful for those struggling with disordered eating while managing chronic gut issues.

Clinical Nutrition

Complex issues

Stool testing
& analysis

Gut dysbiosis

Minimal supplements

My work uniquely combines self-compassion with reparenting to help people heal more effectively, build a stronger sense of self-worth, and develop long-term emotional resilience.

About My Clients

Many people I work with have struggled for years — decades even. Whether triggered by elimination diets, significant life transitions, trauma, fear, self-awareness, body image concerns, and/or illness, among other factors, common food struggles of my clients include:

  • Food anxiety

  • Stress eating

  • Binge-eating disorder

  • Purging disorder

  • Bulimia nervosa

  • Orthorexia

  • Anorexia nervoisa

  • Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID)

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

  • Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)

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Learn more about what our work together will look like.